Monday, October 24, 2011


Corrie had a healthy baby girl last night. I am so happy for her, she so deserved this. I was really sad about her miscarrage last time and I was really worried that she'd have another one but nope she had the baby safe and sound. :D

Sunday, October 16, 2011


It's before six o'clock on Sunday morning. I'm in my room drinking coffee and last time I checked everyone else was asleep. I should find where Loala has gotten to and make sure she's not getting herself into trouble. I'll do that as soon as I'm done here. Anyways...I really should get laundry done today because my dirty hamper is fuller than I'd like it and the floor of my closet has dirty clothes on it to. I just heard mom out in the living room so now at least I know that she's awake too.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


To do today. I need to clean my room...again...I'll probably do some laundry and then work on my history essay. I'll probably go to the gym today and maybe work on my book some more. But nothings really decided yet. Well I'm going to pick up my room. That is decided.

Friday, October 14, 2011


It's friday. Hooray.

I started my field experience yesterday and I think I am going to really enjoy this one. My supervising teacher is really nice and the little kids make it easier not to feel like a fool. But the reason I could never teach that age is because when you teach elementary school you have to teach every subject because little kids don't change classes with the periods. You see the same kids all day every day and you have to teach them every subject on the curriculum. I could do the history, spelling, and reading but the science and math I couldn't do.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Sean came over for dinner with his new girlfriend. She's really nice and I have a feeling that I will like her. Dinner was good and cheese cake was good too of course :)