Monday, June 27, 2011


Walked a bunch today but a really sad thing has happened. My rings have gone missing and I am freaking out because I have no idea where they have gone and I really don't want them to be lost permanently. In other news I got fed up with internet explorer and am now using Google Chrome. At least for now.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I have been trying to iron out plans for California and my schedule is getting pretty filled up. I mean I'm having trouble nailing down nights with Katy because she is in LA and the time when she's coming back from there keeps changing. Anyways I had to wake up early today because I had crossants in the oven in a game on Facebook and they would burn if I didn't take them out on time. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I've been kicking back and reading Tin Man fanfics most of the morning. Me and mom went to Yoga at the Elizabeth street Y yesterday. It was hard work but I think that it's good for me and I'd like to go again. I am defenently sore this morning though but I am going to work through the soreness and still go to the gym later. :) It's good for me, this is a good sore not the back, shoulder, hip sore that I go through phases with.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Me, Mom and Dad went to Boise today to buy a new pick up with the insurance money we got after Sean got into an accident with our old one. We started in Mountain Home and looked around but we ended up purchasing the pick up in...what ever the city is that Grand Ma lives in outside of Boise. Can't ever think of what it is called...anyway it's a nice pick up. Extended cab so it has a back seat that has a little bit more room then the other pick ups we've had. I like it a lot. Propably more than our last pick up. :) Other than that I have made more plans with people for California, I have a sleep over scheduled for Kara so I'm pretty excited.

Friday, June 17, 2011


My California trip is officially two weeks from today. :) I'm so excited!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Anna's wedding last night was fantastic. I am so happy for the girl and she looked beautiful in her gown. But in other news Carl Sweet Jr.'s house burnt down while they were at the wedding. No one was home for which they are thankful and I haven't  gotten word on how it all happened.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Haven't done a lot this morning. I watched the CMT music awards and then some Army Wives. Painted my toes and ate pasta salad. That's about it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I am so excited! Anna's wedding is soo close! It's going to be super fun! Just realized I put the wrong date on this.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Dad gets home today. I'm glad cause maybe that means I won't be doing all the chores all of the time.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I am frustrated. I feel like while Mom and Dad have been away I've had to clean up after David the whole time.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I need to water the plants at some point today but at the moment I don't feel like doing that. I need to clean up the junk that David has left scattered around the living room. That boy, he's making keeping the house clean harder than it would be if it was just me I had to worry about :( I'm not pleased by that.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


So far mom and dad being away has gone by with smooth sailing. I mean other than the passing out in the kitchen thing. But that was just a fluke and had nothing to do with mom and dad being gone. Anyways yeah I've been doing good with mom and dad gone. Keeping the house clean and remembering to water the plants and do the dishes and all. It's been pretty successful.