Sunday, October 31, 2010


It's halloween, which sucks. I love sweets but I am trying to be on a diet. So I shouldn't have the amount of sweets I tend to eat when I have any. So David is having a halloween party. It's going to involve sweets (which I'm trying to avoid) and horror movies (which I hate). So that pretty much sucks. I took my test in education because I finally found it on blackboard. But I don't know what I got because the test had some essay questions and the computer can't grade those on its own. So I am hoping the Evan will get it graded soon so I can find out what I got on it. I really hope I did well and my hopes are high since at least most of the answers I found in the book and if I didn't it was fairly close to the book and a pretty educated guess on my part. But michael gave me my DS back so I'm probably going to spend most of tonight either playing my DS, on the computer, or trying to finish Dracula. But I am going to see if I can take pictures of the halloween party and I'm hoping at least some of the kids are going to dress up though I know David isn't because as far a I know he has no costume to dress up in. I'm not dressing up I don't think but I might get my fangs fit again so I'll be kind of dressed up. But I don't think I'm going to change my clothes at all. I am hoping that mom will take me with her when she goes to get David shoes and drops me off at the mall so I can look for a coat while her and David shop for shoes across the street at famous footwear. I should probably take the batteries out of my camera and stick them in their charger just to make sure they are going to plenty charged for tonight's party.

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