Friday, December 24, 2010


It's almost seven o'clock in the morning on christmas eve. Mom and I, as usual, are the only ones awake this early. I'm waiting for the coffee to get done perking so I can drink some. I think we are planning on going to the gym, but it closes early today because it's christmas eve so I don't know actually when we are going and if we are actually going to get there. I really need to go to the gym because this last week hasn't been great food wise for me. But if we go to the gym I will probably just ride the bike because my hip has been giving me such trouble and my knee is being a pain again.
I am so excited for christmas! I know at least one of the things I'm getting which is one of the Kingdom Hearts games for the DS. I am pretty excited to play it, cause I LOVE Kingdom Hearts and I really really really want to play it. Other than that I'm not sure what I am getting for christmas. Maybe the Artemis Fowl I don't own.
Oh and did I tell you that there is going to be one more Artemis Fowl? Eoin Colfer says that this is probably going to be the final one but it has Artemis Fowl being the good guy he's changed into over the series but still being the criminal mastermind we know and love. I am excited for it but I still need to get The Atlantis Complex read. Because I'm sure that whatever happens in that book is going to have a huge effect and what happens in the last book. What with Artemis proffessing his love for Holly Short and all :)

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